Our Honey

You Make the Difference.
For millions of years honeybees have existed, evolved, toiled and thrived. Throughout time, the liquid gold they craft has been sought after by pharaohs, queens, aboriginals, animals and modern consumers.
Known for its medicinal properties like suppressing allergies and coughs or antibacterial effects in wound and burn care; for the antioxidant benefits that combat free radicals internally; for its humectant properties, encouraging moisture retention that hydrates hair and skin; or simply because it's delicious, people everywhere are in pursuit of the most exquisite honey.
At Yarrowhead, we are excited to offer raw honey from the hives that sit right on the farm. Our honeybees forage purely on wildflowers, wild trees, grasses and the flowering herbs/vegetables on the plots. By minimally filtering it, we preserve all the pollens, propolis and other bits of magic the bees put into honey. We are passionate about protecting bee populations by providing poison-free flora and educating others on how to do the same. What bees eat, we eat, so the difference starts with us.
Like fine wine, the flavor of honey varies from season to season, and is dependent on what bees feed on. All of our hives sit on wildflower meadows close to our vegetable plots and the honey is harvested at our farm by our own hands. We gently filter out any large solids to maintain pollens, and we DO NOT pasteurize the honey EVER in order to preserve the antioxidant benefits provided by nature. Our wildflower honey features a light, floral piquancy some years, while other harvests present deeper, rich, caramel notes.
100% Pure Raw Honey
Greetings! All of our hive sponsorships are "paused" for restructuring and maintenance. Check back again soon!
Sponsor a Hive!
Yarrowhead now gives you the opportunity to sponsor your own bee hive for $150 a year. In addition to supporting and protecting your local bee population, you will also receive these fun benefits in return:
You get to name your hive queen
You will receive quarterly newsletters on your hive (photos, details about the hive--strengths and struggles and actions taken)
You will have a choice of wildflower seed to be spread in the bee meadow. The seeds available are:
Indian Paintbrush
Bee Balm
Pink Milkweed
You will receive set of 4 custom-crafted cedarwood coasters personalized with wood-burned engraved Yarrowhead logo
You will receive a collector's edition 30oz. bottle of honey at the end of the current year's harvest (actual weight may vary)
Hive 1
Excitable, energetic and slightly hot tempered at times, this head strong queen rears a vigorous and competitive empire. She spends most of her time perfecting the craft of the artisans in her realm to showcase that she brings the best honey to the table. She's proud to flaunt that her colony has blue-ribboned the taste test three years in a row.
Hive 2
No nine-to-fivers here, this fiery queen likes to keep things moving around the clock. On her one and only flight out of the hive she enjoys long strolls over the tallest trees and breathing deep over the wildflower meadow. But once she's back to her throne, it's all work and no play. This girls' making phrases like "busy as a bee" child's play.
Hive 3
Think of this queen like you think of your favorite grandmother: spunky, sassy and always has her freezer stocked with enough meals to feed you and 50 friends, but in this case more like 50k friends! If she wore an apron, hers would say "Comb Sweet Comb" and she would hand out sticky buns every five minutes. Yeah, this queen is one sweet bug.
Hive 4
Bee calm, Hive on. If this hive had a theme song, it would be... Good Vibrations. Or rather Let it Be-e. This docile realm is of its own, pushed only by the breeze, content with taking the world as it combs. Her majesty prefers to make new bees when she feels like it and for the six weeks her summer bees are alive, they're enjoying every sight, sound and color around them like it's one giant picnic.